Saturday, April 7, 2007


1. A rat can last longer without water than a camel

2. moths aren't really attracted to light, they go to the darkest moths fly towords the darkest place which is behind the light.

3. Elephants aren't actually afraid of mice. mice are so small in comparason to elephants that the elephants don't even see the mice

4. Polar Bears are left-handed.

5. butterflies tast with their feet.

6. the ant can lift 50 times its own weight and pull 30 times its own weight

7. a crocodile cannot stick its tongue out

8. a flea can jump 350 times its own body length, the equivalent of a human jumping the height of a football pitch

9. ostriches eyes are bigger than there brain!

10. elephants are the only animal that can't jump

11. ostrches can live for about 75 years and can reproduce for 50 years.

12. starfishes have no brains

13. only female mosquitoes bite.

Sunday, April 1, 2007


I Think That All Of These Pictures Are A Disgrace And I Don't Know How Anyone Could Do This To Animals.

Free Range/ Barn/ Battery Farming

Free Range

Free Range farming is, in my opinion, the best type of animal farming. This is When the animals have the opportunity to move freely in an open space.

Barn farming is not great at all. This is where the animals are confined to a barn and there may be alot of animals in just one small barn.

this is by far the worst type of animal farming.
It is where animals are confined to very small cages where they can barely move.
For chickens the cages would be about half a metre wide and the cage would have about 4 chickens in it. There would be a few thousand cages pair shed.

Animal Cruelty

O.K I understand that most people like eating meat, but A LOT of people over-eat the stuff.
This is not only bad for there health, but what about the animals?
If you think about the amount of meat that people eat I'm sure one single person eats at least a couple of pigs, a cow or two, a few lambs and god knows how many chickens in just one year. (That it just a rough estimation, however, I don't know about you but it makes me sick.)
I'm not trying to convinse people to become vegeterian or anything, but if your reading this, then please just consider cutting down on your meat intake, or at least buy the free-range stuff. I Know its more expensive but just think of the amount of chickens lives you could make better for the few years they do live.
Please just consider it!!!

ABOUT THE BLOG ! ! ! ! ! !


As you have probably guessed, this blog is devoted to all animals everywhere around the world.
It has pictures, interesting facts, information about cruelty to animals and loads more. So sit back, relax and enjoy!