1. A rat can last longer without water than a camel
2. moths aren't really attracted to light, they go to the darkest moths fly towords the darkest place which is behind the light.
3. Elephants aren't actually afraid of mice. mice are so small in comparason to elephants that the elephants don't even see the mice
4. Polar Bears are left-handed.
5. butterflies tast with their feet.
6. the ant can lift 50 times its own weight and pull 30 times its own weight
7. a crocodile cannot stick its tongue out
8. a flea can jump 350 times its own body length, the equivalent of a human jumping the height of a football pitch
9. ostriches eyes are bigger than there brain!
10. elephants are the only animal that can't jump
11. ostrches can live for about 75 years and can reproduce for 50 years.
12. starfishes have no brains
13. only female mosquitoes bite.
2. moths aren't really attracted to light, they go to the darkest moths fly towords the darkest place which is behind the light.
3. Elephants aren't actually afraid of mice. mice are so small in comparason to elephants that the elephants don't even see the mice
4. Polar Bears are left-handed.
5. butterflies tast with their feet.
6. the ant can lift 50 times its own weight and pull 30 times its own weight
7. a crocodile cannot stick its tongue out
8. a flea can jump 350 times its own body length, the equivalent of a human jumping the height of a football pitch
9. ostriches eyes are bigger than there brain!
10. elephants are the only animal that can't jump
11. ostrches can live for about 75 years and can reproduce for 50 years.
12. starfishes have no brains
13. only female mosquitoes bite.